Cozy game fans who enjoy medieval settings should consider checking out Mirthwood. The game takes players into their own medieval farmland, where they decide what kind of life they want to live in the Free Lands.
Whether it’s living a life of adventures, owning a butchery, or building a beautiful vineyard, players need to put in a lot of work in the beginning to build their lives from nothing. Therefore, players can read the following Mirthwood beginner tips to know some tricks and things they need to focus on in the early game.

10 Don’t Ignore Fabled Feathers
They expand your inventory
While walking around the Free Lands, players may encounter a colorful bird feather called Fabled Feather. The description says that it can’t be sold, and it’s priced at 0 Gold at the trading post, making it seem worthless.
However, that’s not true at all, as Fabled Feathers is guaranteed to be your best friend. Players can use Fabled Feather to expand their inventory and unlock more skill-card slots. To do this, find Old Fernfoot east of Brightoak town (across the river), and speak to him. Each upgrade costs eight Fabled Feathers, so make sure to bring enough before going to meet him.
9 Unlock Fast Travel Points
Head to the assigned campsites
After arriving at their new home, players can see that there’s a mailbox next to their house. If they look further to the right, there should be a signpost that can be interacted with. Upon interacting with the sign, it’ll say fast travel, indicating that teleporting is a feature in Mirthwood.
To fast travel in Mirthwood, players must visit a big campsite, available all around the Free Lands. After finding the campsite, interact with the sign nearby to unlock the spot as a fast travel point. Keep in mind that the players’ map will look empty at first, but as they find new landmarks, those locations will be added to the map. So it’s necessary to walk around the map if players wish to fill their map with distinct markers.
Unless you’re into aesthetics
At first, players start their journey with limited inventory space. With the many new things available to collect, it’s easy to run out of space. Therefore, after collecting things in the wild, players can drop items they wish to keep on the farm ground. This can save plenty of Woods and Iron Bars that are precious in the early game.
Dropped items will stay where they were dropped (even in the wild), making it safe to do this to save items. They won’t disappear after closing the game or get “stolen.” There’s also no “spoilage” system for food, so everything will stay intact on the ground.
7 Poke The Runed Stones
Some are tricky to find
Exploring Mirthwood can feel overwhelming at first, since the map looks big when one is new to the Free Lands. However, daunting as it may be, players should keep an eye on some stones with a rune engraved on them. Make sure to hit the stone with a weapon to activate the rune.
Some areas have a big stone monument in the vicinity. These stone monuments can be used after players activate three runed stones assigned to the monument. The stone monument will grant a unique skill card after it’s used.
6 Manage The Trees
Big and small both
If the farm ground has trees that block the view and prevent players from decorating or dropping their items, there’s an easy fix. Small trees can be chopped for wood; make sure to chop the stump to stop it from regrowing. But if players want the tree to respawn quickly, then the stump should be left alone.
Meanwhile, big trees can be moved using the redecorate option. Players can also “drop” the tree decor on the ground like other items, making their farm a big tree-free area.
5 Do The Main Quest
Find out who the Stranger is
Mirthwood has a main quest that explains why someone helps players build a new life in the Free Lands. This main quest involves the Stranger who appears when players first arrive at their farm. Follow the mission to experience everything Mirthwood has to offer.
Other than quests, don’t forget about contracts, which can be seen on the Journal page of the players’ profile. Doing quests and contracts in Mirthwood is also the easiest way to build Renown and Morality. Players lose Morality for stealing, but they can gain it back easily by donating at shrines. If players wish to keep a low Morality, then always remember to make all the wrong choices.
4 Get The Bow
Deal damage safely
In the tutorial, players learn how to use a sword, but after arriving at their farm, they can soon own a bow too. To get a bow in Mirthwood , find Clayton the Blacksmith in Brightoak town. Speak to him, and he’ll say that he lost his hammer. The hammer is stuck on a tree, so players will get a bow to shoot it down and take it back.
After getting this bow, it now belongs to the players. The bow is the best weapon to hunt deer and rabbits, and to kite enemies and cheese difficult fights. Just make sure to be patient, as bow damage is far lower compared to swords.
3 Upgrade Your Pickaxe And Axe
Get better resources
Players don’t immediately get their farming tools when they arrive. They need to find the tools in a Mirthwood quest to start. The tools players get from this quest are all of copper quality. While Watering Can, Hoe, and Scythe can be left at copper, Pickaxe and Axe must be upgraded. Iron Axe can chop big tree stumps for Hardwood, whereas Steel Axe can destroy boulders, gemstones, and Silver Ores. Here are the steps players must follow to get a Silver Pickaxe:
- Collect Stones and build a Furnace.
- Mine Iron Ores (abundant at Murkwater Marsh) using a Copper Pickaxe.
- Smelt Iron Ores into Iron Bars.
- Make an Anvil.
- Smelt more Iron Bars, then buy an Iron Tool Kit.
- Forge an Iron Pickaxe.
After getting an Iron Pickaxe:
- Continue farming Stones and Iron Ores.
- Build a Kiln to make Coal (players might also find Coals while exploring).
- Combine 1 Iron Bar + 5 Charcoal to make 1 Steel Bar.
- Collect enough Steel Bars to make a Steel Pickaxe.
The next tier after Steel is Silver, and the best version is Gold. Also, extra tip: Don’t build a Well. They’re purely decorative at the moment.
2 Process Items Before Selling
The artisan life
Processing items is not only beneficial for crafting other things, but it also increases the price of the item. Therefore, try not to sell raw items and instead see if the processed version sells for better.
After making crafting devices like Cooking Pot, Anvil, and Furnace, players must have the required ingredients to start the processing. However, if there’s a Chest nearby, these crafting devices can automatically take from the nearby Chest, making the process far easier.
to move one item from the Chest instead of all at once.
1 Know Your Animals
When you can’t afford their happiness
The Free Lands can be tough to explore by foot, especially before unlocking the fast travel option. With enough money, players can get a Horse; riding a horse can make exploration a lot faster. Sadly, horses currently don’t follow when players fast-travel.
If players choose to ride their horse but have to get off the animal (for example, when getting attacked), then there’s one tip that can help: use the X button (bottom cursor on a controller) to “whistle” and call the horse to come.
As for other animals, here’s what players need to know:
- Shelters are only for happiness; animals can be left roaming outside to forage on grass, and they’ll still produce.
- Male animals are for reproducing.
- Animals reproduce automatically and at a rather fast rate.
- All animals can be butchered using the “Butcher” option on their profile page, making it easy to handle their fast reproduction.
- Newborn animals are always female, so don’t butcher the male livestock.