7 essential tech travel tips and preparation skills for your next trip

If you’re planning on taking a trip with your laptop, tablet, phone, or other devices in tow, you need to come prepared for any eventuality. As someone who tends to bring my favorite tech with me on both work trips and personal vacations, I’ve picked up a few tips and tricks that will make the process easier for you. 

So, whether you’re a business person traveling to conventions or simply someone who likes to take their favorite devices with them when they travel, these are some useful things to remember when traveling with tech. 

1. Bring a reliable power bank and pack your cables carefully

(Image credit: Rebecca Spear / Windows Central)

Whenever I travel, I tend to use my phone a lot to take pictures, follow directions, keep notes, and record interviews. By midday, it’s not unusual for my phone battery to be low. That’s why I always travel with a large-capacity power bank, which lets me juice my phone (and sometimes my laptop) back up while out and about. 


By admin